How to Learn Anything Faster: 9 Evidence-Based Strategies
Why Working Hard Isn’t Enough — Here’s How to Learn Smarter, Not Harder!

Learning is one of the most valuable skills anyone can develop. Yet, very few of us are taught how to effectively learn. Whether you’re preparing for an exam, starting a new hobby, or trying to improve a professional skill, knowing how to learn can significantly enhance your life.
Over the years, I’ve discovered strategies that helped me accelerate my learning, and I’d like to share them with you. These techniques are inspired by science and experts in the field, such as Ali Abdaal, who has shared his experiences in learning more efficiently.
Here are nine tips to help you learn faster and more effectively:
1. Sharpen the Axe 🪓
Abraham Lincoln is often quoted saying, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The principle here is preparation. Before diving into a new skill or subject, take some time to study the best ways to learn that topic.
For instance, when I wanted to learn how to play the guitar, I didn’t just grab the instrument and start strumming. Instead, I read online guides and watched tutorials to understand the basics, such as finger placement and music theory.
By doing this “meta-learning” beforehand, I was able to progress more quickly when I finally started practicing.
If you’re interested in learning more about study techniques, books like Make It Stick offer incredible insights.
2. Use Crutches to Optimize Focus 🦿
One of the biggest challenges in learning is maintaining focus. It’s easy to get distracted, especially when practicing something difficult. A method I use to overcome this is the five-minute rule.
If I’m feeling unmotivated, I commit to working on the task for just five minutes. More often than not, I find myself continuing beyond that.
Another helpful strategy is to eliminate distractions. I make sure to keep my phone out of reach or turn it off entirely when I’m working. These small changes help improve my concentration and keep me focused on what matters.
3. Find Opportunities for Immersion 🌊
Immersing yourself in the environment of the skill you want to learn is one of the fastest ways to improve. Scott Young, in his book Ultralearning, emphasizes the power of immersion when learning a new language.
Instead of just studying from textbooks, immerse yourself in the language by watching TV shows, speaking with native speakers, or traveling to countries where the language is spoken.
When I was learning close-up magic, practicing in front of a mirror helped, but what truly improved my performance was showing my tricks to real people. By immersing myself in real-world situations, I improved much faster.
4. Identify and Strengthen Your Weak Links 🔗
Learning efficiently means tackling the areas where you struggle most. It’s tempting to focus on what we’re already good at, but real learning happens when we work on our weaknesses.
For example, when I was preparing for an important exam, I asked myself, “Which subject would I feel most uncomfortable with if the test were tomorrow?” Focusing on my weakest areas helped me strengthen them more quickly, resulting in better overall performance.
5. Test Yourself 🧪
Active recall is one of the most effective ways to reinforce learning. Instead of passively consuming information, actively test yourself to pull information from your brain.
Whether you’re studying for an exam or trying to learn a new skill, self-testing helps solidify what you’ve learned. Watching tutorials or reading about a subject is only useful if you’re actively applying and recalling the knowledge.
6. Get Regular Feedback 🙉
Constructive feedback is crucial to improving any skill. While feedback can sometimes be intimidating, especially when you’re just starting, it’s essential for growth.
Early on, it’s okay to seek positive reinforcement, but as you progress, you should seek out more intense, critical feedback to push yourself further.
If possible, find a coach or mentor to give you personalized feedback on your learning process. This will allow you to adjust your approach and fine-tune your skills much faster.
7. Overlearn 📚
Sometimes, it’s helpful to overlearn a subject. By digging deeper than necessary, you gain a better understanding of the underlying principles.
For instance, in medicine, some doctors memorize treatment protocols, while others take the time to understand why those protocols exist. Those who understand the “why” behind the guidelines tend to be more adaptable and competent in their field.
The same concept applies to learning any skill — deepening your knowledge makes it easier to learn related concepts in the future.
8. Use Spacing 📏
Spaced repetition is a powerful learning technique that helps combat the natural decay of memory. Instead of cramming information all at once, you should review the material at increasing intervals over time.
For instance, if you’re learning a new song on the guitar, practice it today, then again tomorrow, then next week, and so on. This method ensures that the information sticks in your long-term memory, allowing you to retain and recall it more easily.
There are apps like Anki that use spaced repetition for efficient learning. It’s a great way to master any skill, whether academic or practical.
9. Teach What You’re Learning 👨🏫
One of the best ways to solidify your knowledge is to teach it to others. Teaching forces you to break down complex concepts and explain them in a simple way. This process not only reinforces your understanding but also highlights areas where you may need further improvement.
C.S. Lewis referred to this concept as the “curse of knowledge,” meaning that experts often have difficulty explaining things in a simple way because they forget what it’s like to be a beginner.
That’s why learning from someone just a few steps ahead of you can sometimes be more beneficial than learning from a seasoned expert.
By applying these nine strategies, you can optimize the way you learn and make the process faster and more enjoyable. Learning how to learn is an investment that pays dividends in every area of life.
Whether it’s for work, hobbies, or personal growth, becoming a better learner will open up new opportunities and help you achieve your goals more efficiently.