Journey towards Betterment

Dressing up properly and going to attend Amal in person session with great motivation to learn something new, something unique, something creative, something extra. These things always pushes me to be on time and ready to develop new things or implement new things

Our first activity was creating a marshmallow tower. Things we have learned from this activity have remained and will remain in mind. How teamwork is necessary and how Amal(action) is necessary for our Life.

Connecting dots from the past and crafting a life map of life was a very decent and extraordinary experience for a lifetime. Which will always give us the motivation for why we started, how we started and why shouldn’t we stop doing what we are doing. I have learned that whenever feel demotivated just reflect back and see how have you come this far.

Personally for me showing gratitude or getting a feedback was totally new things. From this activity what a person feels when they are thanked and shown gratitude. It was a moment of happiness that will remain precious to me for my whole life and this has also pushed me to always try to show gratitude to others.

At the end of the session coming back to the hostel and enjoyed the rain while getting a random shot of ourselves which was an awesome gift from other fellows. Great time spent with fellows from different backgrounds and never felt left alone.
This is just the beauty of Amal