Pomodoro Experience
This is a simple yet very scientific approach to learning. First set a goal then work for 25 minutes then take a break for 5 minutes then repeat this method until the task is done.
My experience:
My Goal:
I decide to do 50% of my second online course.
It was a coincidence or anything else that I happened to know about an extension named Pomodoro on google it reduced my work of setting a clock for 25 minutes. In this extension, there is already a timer of 25 minutes after that it will tell you to take a 5-minute break and then start again.
1st 25 minutes:
This was the first time the first 25 minutes were the most hectic of all. It was my first experience so most of the distraction came in this part.
a)When will time over:
The first one was to overcome thoughts because it was the first time I was going full of attention to studying. One thought was permanent which was when 25 minutes will be over and I will take the break it was a tough one but I managed myself after 20 minutes 😂.
Youtube notification popped up with a new video of Mooro. My attention went to that but I pulled myself back to complete my work first.
I am not a social person but at that time I don’t know my Instagram which I haven’t used for many days suddenly showed up a message. I went and checked for that after that I again started my course.
2nd 25 minutes:
It was not hard as the first one was I liked the first session and this was better than that but there were some distractions as well.
one of my friend send me a meme I went to Facebook and saw it and got distracted for some extra time.
b)Namaz Time:
I don’t see it as a distraction as it is our first duty being Muslim.
3rd time:
In my third experience, I was mostly getting used to it.
a) Call:
I got a call around ten minutes after I started I didn't picked the call and immediately returned to work
4th Time:
I got used to processing so I put the phone on silent to not distract me another time.
a) Meal:
As it is time for dinner in our home they called me as well I told them to start without me I will join after my work is finished.
After 2 hours I was successful to do 50% of the online course and it was full of learning.